Combat Tactical Academy                           

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If you have ever had any formal defensive firearms training in Las Vegas nevada from a top notch instructor, you probably heard them say, “Focus on the front sight!” The drill is to first line up the target; the top of the front sight; and top of the rear sight followed by bringing your focus sharply on the front sight. Once you have established a sharp focus on the front sight, you continue a smooth press of the trigger straight to the rear without disrupting the sight alignment until the weapon fires.


(There are a few in the training industry who recommend, “point shooting” but we will dispel that myth in another e-mail)

But where on the front sight should you focus? The Top Edge is the answer.

So with that background information under your belt, allow me to share a little known and rarely talked firearms training secret that will greatly improve your ability to deliver precision hits with your handgun…

If you have a white dot or any kind of color or shape on the front sight of your handgun, I recommend you Black It Out! I know I just lost any hope of an endorsement contract from the white dot sight manufacturers, but my concern is that you are able to make the precision shot, When You Need It, every time, with your handgun. (More on the tactical importance of this recommendation toward the end of this letter.)

The key to a precision shot with your handgun is 100% of your focus on the top edge of the front sight. If you have a white dot on your front sight, take a look at where the white dot is placed on your front sight…normally it is place in the middle of the sight, and there is quite a bit of sight between the top of the white dot and the top edge of the front sight!

Your eye will naturally focus on the white dot, instead of the top edge of the front sight. You will mistakenly line up the top of the white dot with the top of your rear sight. Guess what happens when you press the trigger? Your Shot Will Hit High because the top edge of your front sight is actually lined up above the top edge of the rear sight.

99.9% of the people training with handguns will never know this secret because at conversational distance, when shooting to the center of mass of an average size target, the minor difference between the top of the white dot and the top edge of the front sight are inconsequential.

So Why Is This Important? It is important if you want the ability to hit man sized targets with your handgun out to 200 yards! Yes, we teach our students to do this on demand.

It is important— and could mean the difference between life and death— if you want the ability to deliver a hostage taker head shot, from the holster, ten yards away with a first round hit into the cranio-ocular cavity (about the size of a business card) in less than 2 seconds! I know that sounds near impossible, but our students reach that level of ability quickly through our

Even in our entry level students are trained to deliver first round hits to a playing card sized target, from the holster, five yards away in less than two seconds! After a Front Sight course, you will too!

What about the white ring on night sights? I recommend night sights because most lethal encounters occur in low light conditions. If your night sights have a white ring around the crystal that holds the tritium (the substance that glows in the sight) simply use a black felt pen to black out the white circle then immediately wipe off the crystal. Now you have the best of both worlds— a night sight for low light conditions and a blacked out sight for precision shots during the day!

the opportunity to discover the value and importance of the firearms training industry’s biggest secret. It is called… Dry Practice.

Dry Practice is a training technique— using an unloaded weapon— that gives you three, very important results:

  1. Repetitive Dry Practice ingrains the proper gross neuromuscular pathways so you become smoother and faster in your gun handling skills such as Presentation from the Holster, Malfunction Clearances, Reloading etc.
  2. Repetitive Dry Practice ingrains the proper fine neuromuscular pathways needed for perfect Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, and Trigger Control.
  3. Repetitive Dry Practice replaces the natural reflex to anticipate muzzle blast and recoil when the weapon fires, with a perfect surprise trigger break, thus preventing Pre-ignition Push, Heeling, Trigger Mash, Flinch, etc. and helps you develop the consistency and precision of a well oiled, shooting machine!

In other words, every time you present your weapon and press the trigger with a live round in the chamber, there is a big bang and a push. Reflexively you will naturally begin to anticipate and prepare yourself for the bang and push, creating numerous bad habits that affect your marksmanship. The More You Shoot (as in hundreds of rounds in a single day) The More You Ingrain These Bad Habits and the longer it takes to remove them.

Perfect and repeated Dry Practice makes for a perfectly smooth and fast presentation, perfect sight alignment, and perfect trigger contoll—and that creates the ability to deliver a live shot with the speed and precision you only see in action adventure movies—but with you it will be real!

Without a doubt, 99% of the people reading this report right now have problems with their trigger control due to shooting too much! I know it sounds hard to believe, but we will prove it to you with a very simple drill (another Front Sight Secret) on the morning of the first day, of your first Front Sight course and we will continue working with you to restore your trigger control to perfection.

We also prove the importance of Dry Practice several times in our courses by scoring the last in a series of live fire drills; then Dry Practicing the same drill briefly; then shooting the drill live for score again. Students see immediately that the brief Dry Practice improved their scores immensely!

You see, shooting does not make you better. Dry Practice Makes You Better and shooting simply validates the proper Dry Practice you have done.

I know it sounds too good to be true! A training drill that dramatically improves your skills; that you can practice in your garage; that requires no ammunition; and is free of charge for the rest of your life? Can’t be true!

HOWEVER, I MUST WARN YOU: Only perfect dry practice makes perfect. You can practice crap for 20 years and all you will ever become is a Not a master! You need to know the proper training techniques in order to dry practice perfectly.

Fortunately, Although this manual is no substitute for the world class training you will experience in a it will show you the proper techniques to dry practice perfectly and get you started in the right direction, saving you time and money by preventing you from Ingraining any more bad habits.


Before you start reading this transcript, take a moment to watch a handful of Combat Tactical Academy students share with you, the impact Combat Tactical Academy training has made on their lives. Click on:

Begin Transcript:

Webster’s Dictionary defines Moral as “relating to principles of right and wrong.”

Webster’s Dictionary defines Ethical as “conforming to an accepted standard of conduct.”

In other words, morals are what is right or wrong for you as an individual and ethics are what is considered right or wrong by the collective group of people who you interact with. On issues involving the Use of Deadly Force, we have laws to guide us, but ultimately the standard of conduct is set by the courts and juries through their decisions in criminal and civil trials. Their decisions filter down and impact the policies of the District Attorney’s Office, your local law enforcement agencies, and civil litigation attorneys.

Our own, individual decisions on the Use of Deadly Force may or may not conform to the accepted standard of conduct of the collective group of people we interact with.

When our moral decisions in the Use of Deadly Force and subsequent actions conform with the accepted standards, we have very few problems. When our moral decisions and subsequent actions in the Use of Deadly Force do not conform with the accepted standards, we have big problems in the form of criminal and civil liability.

Combat Tactical Academy will not attempt to tell you what moral decisions you should make regarding the use of deadly force. That is a personal decision left up to you. We will not cite any specific laws regarding the use of deadly force, because the specific laws vary from state to state. However, we will provide you with information on universally accepted standards of conduct when using deadly force. The information we provide will, as best we can, keep you within the accepted standards of conduct when using deadly force regardless of where you may be. You then, must make your own individual decisions on the Moral Use of Deadly Force and you need to begin making those decisions NOW.

Why now, during this course? Because you may be faced with the decision to use deadly force tonight, when your car breaks down and leaves you stranded on the side of the road— to be approached by three men with evil intent.

It may happen tomorrow morning when you stop in the convenience store to pick up some lunch supplies and two armed men follow you in— to rob the store.

It may happen when you return home and find an armed burglar— in your residence.

It may happen at anytime, and under any circumstance— by chance or design.

Is this paranoid? Paranoia is defined as a mental disorder marked by delusions and irrational suspicions. Is there anything in the scenarios listed above that is irrational or unrealistic? No.

Is it probable? Statistically no, it is not probable, but it could happen with a probability similar to you getting in a serious car accident on the way home tonight.

Statistics don’t matter when YOU are the one-in-one thousand.

The point is that if you are not willing and able to confront the fact that today, might be the day…That today someone— by chance or design— may attempt to take your life or that of another in your immediate area, then how do you expect to make the right decision and act accordingly under the real and debilitating stress of a lethal confrontation?

If you can say to yourself and believe that Today Could Be The Day, that you use your weapon to defend your life or the lives of your loved ones, then you have made the first and possibly the most important of many decisions that you must make in the Moral Use of Deadly Force.

There are some additional reasons why the moral decision to use deadly force must be made-- in your mind-- in advance of any future lethal confrontation.

To the unprepared, the shock of sudden and unprovoked violence has a tendency to paralyze the victim with fear or cause doubt in their mind that violence is being committed against them. They are often unable to react or wish it was not happening. Often the victim will report, “I was so scared I could not move.” “I couldn’t believe that it was happening to me.” “I saw the gun, but couldn’t believe he was after me.”

If you have not made the moral decision to use deadly force in advance, you may not have the time to make the decisions under the shock of sudden and unprovoked violence against you.

The use of deadly force carries the very significant potential for criminal and civil liability.

What level of bodily injury and or humiliation are you willing to accept for yourself or watch occur to another before stopping the action, and if required, stopping it with deadly force?

Are you willing to give up your wallet, your car, your television?

Are you willing to witness another individual, related or unrelated to you, take a beating?

Are you willing to stop a rape in progress?

Would you accept a bloody nose and black eye from a drunken coworker at the office New Year’s party?

Use of deadly force in these circumstances may or may not have criminal liabilities, but each has a civil liability attached. Knowing the potential criminal and the definite civil costs involved, how much bodily injury or humiliation are you willing to accept?

If you have not drawn a mental “line in the sand” that you will not allow anyone to cross, then you may not have the time to make the decision when confronted with these situations.

Understand that you shoot to stop your attacker, not to kill. Even so, it is likely that your actions may kill.

Are you willing to kill another human being? Have you made spiritual peace—in advance—with your moral decision to take another life to save your own life or those around you? If not, then you may again find it difficult to make the decision when time is of the essence.

Violent crime is committed by males and females of all age groups, races, religions, and occupations.

Are you willing to shoot a woman?
A teenager?
A ten year old boy?
Your coworker?
A member of your own family?

What horrific circumstances would require such decisions?

(Statistically you are more likely to be killed by someone you know than by a stranger. Just ask police detectives who their first suspect is in a homicide… #1 is the spouse, then friends, then acquaintances…)

These are terrible decisions to make and we would like to avoid them at all costs.

However, if you do not make the decisions in advance, I guarantee you that you will hesitate to make them later and that hesitation may be the difference between you living or dying.

You will notice that time or the lack of it seems to be the common denominator in the need for you to make your moral decisions in the use of deadly force well in advance.

Here Is Why:

Any doubts as to when and if you are willing to use deadly force will cost you time should you ever need to use deadly force. That extra time in making the Right Decision may adversely affect your survival and the survival of those around you.

It doesn’t matter if you can present your weapon from a concealed holster and fire two center of mass shots in less than 1.5 seconds IF you took too long to make the decision.

On the other hand, if your moral decision to use deadly force is not in line with the universally accepted standards in the use of deadly force, meaning you shot too soon or for reasons that do not conform with the standards of those you interact with, then you will have serious criminal and civil consequences.

In the case of any shooting, your actions may be scrutinized by a police investigation, the District Attorney’s office, the Grand Jury, and in a criminal jury trial. Following the criminal investigation, whether charges are filed or not, whether you are acquitted or convicted, you may face the civil lawsuit filed by the grieving family of the person you shot.

Should you ever find yourself in a lethal confrontation, the decision to use deadly force is going to be yours and yours alone at the time. You will be on your own. Your decisions and subsequent actions will determine whether you live or die. If you live, your decisions will determine whether you face criminal or civil penalties for your actions.

With that said, are you thinking that you should try to avoid a gun fight if there is any way to prevent it?

Good. The best gun fight is the one you avoid!

Let me first validate your awareness that you understand the grave consequences of what we are discussing. And let me then assure you that any trepidation you may have right now is because we are asking you to begin making your decisions in the use of deadly force but we have not given you all the information yet.

Over the next four days, you will learn how to handle your weapon to a level that is greater than the vast majority of people who carry a gun for a living. You will also gain a full understanding of the Universal Standards in the Use of Deadly Force.

With the ability and knowledge you gain from this course you will be fully prepared to make Your Own Moral Decisions in the Use of Deadly Force.

The more training you have, the better and faster you are, the Less Likely you will ever need the skills we teach, and if needed the More Likely you are to make the right decision.

However, the decision process should not stop with this course. I encourage you to discuss this topic with your family, your spiritual advisors, and your legal advisors.

I encourage you to create in your mind “what if” scenarios and determine what your decision will be in advance. The more “what if” scenarios you create, the better prepared you will be should the need arise to use the knowledge and skill you gain from this course.

If you are feeling that maybe you should forget about carrying a gun or using a gun as a means of defense because the responsibility and liability is too great, let me remind you that there is nothing in this world more valuable than your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Any feelings of doubt stem from a lack of certainty on when to use your gun. By the end of the course, you will have the answers as to when it is universally accepted to use deadly force and you will have certainty on the value of carrying and using a gun as a means of self defense.

I leave you with a couple universally accepted rules of gun fighting to ponder:

If it is not worth killing or dying for, it is not worth fighting for.

If you must think about whether or not you should shoot, you probably should not shoot.

It is always better to have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have it!

End of Transcript

I hope this transcript has been enlightening for you. At Combat Tactical Academy we provide more than you expect. During a two day or four day course there is very little down time. You are either in the classroom for thought provoking discussion; or on the range learning and practicing life-saving self defense skills; or in our live-fire tactical training simulators applying everything we are teaching you.



How do I apply for a concealed weapon permit? (New & Renewal Applicant)
  • • Obtain an application packet either online or from any LVMPD substation.
  • • Take a concealed firearms qualification course from a certified firearms instructor.
  • • Be sure your firearms instructor signs the certification form in the application packet
  • • Complete all instructions in the application packet.  (Do not sign the form until instructed to do so.)
  • • Present yourself at one of our two service locations during normal business hours with the following items:
    • • A completed (unsigned) application
    • • course certification
    • • a money order or cashier’s check for the appropriate fee
    • • proof of residency (valid driver’s license)
    • • Proof of citizenship, if not born in the US:
Persons born outside the U.S. or U.S. territory must show one of the following: 
  • • Naturalization Certificate
  • • Valid U.S. Passport
  • • U.S. Birth Certificate
  • • Resident Alien card.  
  • • This includes U.S. citizens born abroad.

  • Photocopies will not be accepted.
• Where can I get a CCW application and the list of instructors?

You can print out the CCW application at this link or pick up an application at any LVMPD substation.

• If I have been convicted of a Felony/Gross Misdemeanor/Misdemeanor, can I obtain a concealed weapon permit?

You have the right to apply.  Your application will be reviewed by a technician at the time of your visit and an investigation will be conducted to determine if you are eligible for a permit.  The permit will be issued to you unless it is determined that you are not qualified to possess a firearm pursuant to state or federal law.  You have the right to appeal a denial.   Application fees are non- refundable.

General Denial Criteria

Applications can be denied for reasons outlined in the Nevada Revised Statutes. Such reasons include:
    • o An outstanding warrant of arrest (including Traffic).  
    • o A felony conviction 
    • o Judicially declared incompetent or insane. 
    • o Habitual abuser of drugs or alcohol. 
    • o A conviction for a violent crime including a misdemeanor. 
    • o A conviction for domestic violence or stalking. 
    • o Currently subject to a restraining order, injunction, or other order of protection involving domestic violence. 
    • o Currently on parole or probation. 
    • o A pending entry of a felony conviction or recent suspension of a sentence for a felony. 
    • o Pending criminal charges 
    • o False statements on the application.
If I have already been fingerprinted for a national background check, do I need to be fingerprinted again? Yes.  Fingerprints must be submitted to confirm your identity and obtain the most current information available.

• How long does it take to receive my CCW permit?
NRS requires that your application be processed within 120 days.  We are currently processing applications within 8-10 weeks of receipt.  If you submitted your application more than 10 weeks ago and have not received a permit, you may call the Fingerprint Bureau at 702-828-3271.  Do not call if it has been less than 10 weeks since you submitted your application, as this may further delay processing, and you will not be provided a status update.

• How long does it take to process an ATF application?
ATF applications can take up to 3 months to process.  If you submitted your application more than 3 months ago and have not received a response, you may call the Fingerprint Bureau at 702-828-3271.  Do not call if it has been less than 3 months since you submitted your application, as this may further delay processing, and you will not be provided a status update.

• Can I carry my concealed weapon anywhere in Nevada?  

Refer to NRS 202.3673 for information on where permittees are authorized to carry concealed firearms and the exceptions.

Generally Prohibited Locations

A permit holder must NOT carry a concealed firearm into: 

  •  Any facility of a law enforcement agency. 
  •  A prison, city or county jail, or detention facility.  
  •  A courthouse or courtroom. 
  •  A public airport and/or a public building that is located on the property of a public airport. 
  •  A public building that has a metal detector at each public entrance. 
  •  A public building that has a sign posted at each public entrance indicating that no firearms are allowed in the building. 
  •  Any facility of a public or private school without written permission. 
  •  Any facility of a vocational/technical school, or the University of Nevada, or Community College System without written permission. 
  •  Any other building owned or occupied by the Federal Government, the state, or local government. 
  •  Any other place where carrying a concealed firearm is prohibited by state or federal law. 
• Is my concealed weapon permit valid in other states?
 A concealed weapon permit is a State issued permit.  Those permits issued by the LVMPD are valid throughout the State of Nevada.  However, other States determine individually whether or not they accept a concealed weapons permit issued from any other States.  Therefore, you must contact the particular State where you are interested in carrying your concealed weapon, to inquire about the acceptance of a Nevada concealed weapons permit.    
The Nevada Department of Public Safety and Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association determines which State permits are acceptable to carry concealed weapons in the State of Nevada.

• How can I add a weapon to my permit (Revolver or Semi-Automatic Weapon)?
As of 07/01/11, if you qualified with one semi-automatic weapon, you can carry any semi-automatic weapon.  If you qualified with one revolver, you can carry any revolver.  You do not need to get a new permit, however, if you would like a new permit that says “Semi-Autos Authorized” or “Revolver” then there is a $25.00 fee.
o If you have a new qualification for either type of weapon to add to your permit, you must present yourself at one of our two locations along with a new weapon qualification form signed by a certified firearms instructor.
o Pay $25.00 by money order or cashier’s check only.

• What do I need to do if my name change has changed?
  • o You must present yourself in person at either of our two locations.
  • o You must provide proof of the name change, i.e., marriage certificate, court document, etc.
  • o A new photo will be taken, along with a signature with your new name.
  • o Pay $25.00 by money order or cashier’s check only.
• How do I replace a lost or stolen CCW permit?
o You can come in person to either of our two locations and fill out an affidavit that your permit was lost or stolen, or
o You can mail in a signed, notarized affidavit along with a money order or cashier’s check to:  LVMPD Fingerprint Bureau – CCW Detail, 5880 S. Cameron St., Las Vegas, NV 89118.  A duplicate permit will be mailed to you.
o The fee is $15.00 by money order or cashier’s check only.

• I have moved, how do I change the address on my permit? 

As outlined in NRS 202.367, a permittee shall notify the sheriff who issued his or her permit in writing within 30 days if the permittee’s permanent address changes.  A permittee who fails to notify the sheriff pursuant to the provisions of this section is subject to a civil penalty of $25.   

There are three ways in which a permit holder can change their address with the LVMPD;
  •  By appearing in person at either CCW office location,
  •  By printing and completing the CCW Change of Address form and mailing it to;
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department - CCW Detail
5880 S. Cameron St
Las Vegas, NV 89118

  • By printing and completing the CCW Change of Address form and faxing it to;
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department - CCW Detail

There is no fee for performing this address change; however you will not get a new permit issued nor will you receive any type of sticker with the updated address.  If you would like to obtain a new permit that reflects the new address, there is a $15.00 fee for this service.  (Money Order or Cashier’s Check Only, no personal checks will be accepted)

• How do I renew my CCW permit?
You are required take a refresher firearm qualification course and resubmit a complete application packet to one of our two offices in person.  Each renewal application requires photo and fingerprint submissions. 
  • o See the fee chart for renewal fees, depending on the current status of your permit.
• What’s the earliest I can renew my permit?  
120 days prior to expiration date.

• I’m a retired Police Officer, how do I apply for the HR218 permit?
You may obtain a permit at either of our locations by appearing in person with the following items:
  • o A valid photo ID from the agency the applicant separated from, as well as a letter from that agency that states the applicant has honorably separated after serving the amount of time required by the HR218 law.  (an aggregated period of 10 years or more)
  • o A valid driver’s license or Nevada identification card showing residency in Clark County.
  • o A shooting qualification certificate signed by a certified firearms instructor.
  • o HR218 is free of charge and must be renewed annually.
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