Combat Tactical Academy                           

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Private Training

Combat Tactical Academy offers exclusive, private, one-on-one training in 3 weapons platforms - Handgun, Shotgun and Rifle. You tell us the goals you want to accomplish during your private training, and your Range Master will make certain that you attain them.

Cost Basis: $1,000.00 per day - per person

Prerequisite Class(s): None

You are welcome to choose from any of our course, including, handgun, shotgun, rifle, M-16, tactics, empty hand defense, and edged weapons.  Psychological and informational lectures for these courses are given on the range.


Private training is $1,000 per person, per day and is offered weekdays and weekends that do not have regularly scheduled courses. Please consult the schedule of courses to select a date that is appropriate for you. These courses are conducted on a Live Fire Range. There is a typically  7-8 contact hours of instruction per day. Class begins each day at 8:00 am and ends at approx. 4:00 pm

Private Firearm Training Program
Level I Tactical Handgun

This is a LIVE FIRE firearms course which takes you from the basics up through the defensive use of the handgun.
Among the many skills you acquire will be the ability to safely and easily draw your weapon from the holster and fire two, controlled shots to the center of a target 5 yards away – all in under 2.5 seconds!

Your training includes the following:
Use of Springfield XD9 9mm handgun, magazines, magazine pouches, operators belt, eye and  special electronic ear protection for the course. All you need is to bring yourself.

Rapid presentations from the holster, target acquisition and controlled shots on target are the foundation of the curriculum.

Your Handgun training includes the following:
• Safe gun handling
• Marksmanship - hitting your target quickly and accurately by blending speed and accuracy
• Firing Stances - defend attacks from all directions
• Loading and Unloading your firearm
• Proper grip
• The 4 Miracles of Marksmanship - Sight Alignment, Sight Picture Trigger Control and Follow Through
• Threat Engagement from Arms distance  to 25 yards under Time Pressure
• Rapid Holster Presentations - presenting your weapon rapidly from a holster
• Controlled pairs - dramatically increasing follow-up shots and rate of fire with accuracy
• Shooting from the “ready position” (the most used combat position)
• Shooting from a concealment garment
• Engaging multiple targets
• Body Armor Drills
• Tactical and emergency reloading
• Malfunctions
• After-engagement actions

Ammunition Required : Not Included
500 Rounds of Factory Boxed handgun ammunition
Private Firearm Training Program
Level I Tactical Shotgun
Our Shotgun program is very unique.  We instruct students on how to Slug - Zero there shotguns and Pattern there shotguns for accurate Marksmanship. We engage steel targets and learn combat effective shooting on the move, hostage drills, emergency reloads, combat reloads, speed kneeling , squating and other alternative shooting positions. Very few schools teach the techniques we teach in 1 Day Level I Shotgun Program.

This is a LIVE FIRE firearms course which the defensive use of one of the most powerful and devastating self defense weapons systems.
You will learn to engage an adversary with tactical shotgun techniques. Through the disciplines of patterning and slug selection your skills and environmental awareness will take you to a new level of confidence and effectiveness with the shotgun.

Your training includes the following:
• Safe shotgun handling
• Marksmanship - Fast and Accurate target hits
• Firing Stances - off-hand, Speed kneeling and Prone      
• Loading and Unloading your firearm
• Proper grip
• Zeroing with Slugs
• Patterning your weapon
• Target Engagement from Arms Length to 50  yards
• Low ready, High ready, Indoor ready
• Employing slings
• Slug selection education
• Close Contact/Emergency response
• Reactive Targets
• Steel Target Drills
•  Shooting on the move
• Engaging multiple targets
• Cover vs. concealment
• Tactical and Emergency Combat reloading

 1 Day Tactical Shotgun Course for 1 attendee -  $1000.00

Prerequisite Class(s): None.

Combat Tactical can/will provide you with:

Firearm and magazines, as appropriate to course - such as:
Remington 870 Police Magnum/ Or Mossberg 590 A1
Operators Belt
Kydex magazine pouch
Protective eye wear
Electronic Hearing protection
All range supplies such as targets and tape

Ammunition Required: Not Included

50 rounds of birdshot
75 rounds of 00 buckshot
20 rounds of slug
(NO reloads, Magnum or steel shot!)

Private Firearm Training Program
Level I Urban Practical Rifle

 2 Day Tactical Rifle Course for 1 attendee -  $2000.00

Combat Tactical can/will provide you with:

Weapon and magazines, as appropriate to course - such as:
CMMG AR15 or LWRC AR15 with Eotech Holographic Weapons Systems optics and magnifiers as needed.
30 Round High Capacity Magazines
Operators belts and magazine pouches
Protective eye wear
Hearing protection
All range supplies such as targets and tape

The first day is an intense education on safety and mechanics of a rapid presentation and tactical manipulation of the AR-15 Assault Rifle weapons platform. Day 2 begins with speed and accuracy, multiple targets, hostage situations, head shots, body armor drills turning targets and stress based on time pressure.You will be engaging targets from within 2 feet up to possibly 400 yards.

Your Rifle training includes the following:
• Safe rifle handling
• Marksmanship - Fast and Accurate target hits
• Urban Prone and alternative shooting positions
• Loading and Unloading your firearm
• Proper grip
• The 4 Miracles of Marksmanship - Sight Alignment, Sight Picture Trigger Control and Follow Through
• Zeroing your rifle
• Target Engagement from Arms Length to 400 yards
• Learn the correct way to shoulder your rifle.
• Employing slings
• Learn mechanical offset
• High speed rhythm drills. Learn how to “Let your gun run”.
• Malfunctions & Tactical and Emergency reloads.
• Close Contact/Emergency response
• Engaging multiple targets
• Shooting on the move

Rifle ammunition needed will approx. 700-1000 rounds of .223/5.56 -  Not included.

Our curriculum changes slightly based on how the students adapt to the training. Our goal is to give you as many techniques, drills and tactical scenario training as possible during your training.

If you would like to reserve the dates, please let us know and we will send you emails containing our application and other key information you will need.  We will follow up by phone to arrange for payment.

This will certainly be an experience of a lifetime - We guarantee it.
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